Is it worth becoming a translator?
Do you dream of becoming a translator for a famous writer or internationally adored poet? Thinking of entering the profession of sworn translator? It’s good to have something that drives us, that we are passionate about and is just the ‘something’ we want to do in life. Being an interpreter is a great adventure: you face new challenges almost every day, you have the opportunity to be like Sherlock Holmes, and you get paid for it. However, it has to be said that it is not something that every person will feel comfortable in. Remember that knowing a foreign language and being a professional translator are two different things. It is good to confront your ideas about the profession with reality. Is it worth becoming a translator? Worth checking out!
Is it worth becoming a translator?
Richard Bach used to say: ‘the more I want to do something, the less I call it work’. Mark Twain, meanwhile, claimed that ‘the two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you found out what for’. Want to know: is it worth becoming a translator? The truth is that you should answer this question for yourself. Work takes up a huge part of our lives so it is good for you to be convinced yourself that you want to translate every working day. Do you want it? Do you feel that this is the ‘something’? If you do, it doesn’t matter what others tell you. Become the best specialist you can be!
Richard Bandler in From Frogs to Princesses wrote: “whenever you notice yourself hesitating or putting off until tomorrow some new behaviour you could try today, glance over your left shoulder and see the shadow disappear. This shadow is your death. At any moment he can step forward, put his hand on your shoulder and take you away. What you are doing now may be your last action on this planet and represent the fullest representation.” So if you want to become a translator, act!
Recommended reading articles:
- “How much does a linguist earn?”
- “How much does a translator earn?”
- “How to become an interpreter at the Ministry of Justice?”
- “How to become a literary translator?”
- “How long does it take to translate?”
Translator jobs – what opportunities do they offer?
What prospects does the translation profession offer? It is all up to you. As Mark Twain wrote: ‘there is nothing that cannot be achieved by work. Nothing lies beyond her reach. It transforms bad customs into good ones, destroys bad principles and revives good ones. It is able to make a man into an angel”.
- You can become a sworn translator or an ordinary translator.
- As a translator, you can do translation or interpreting.
- A good translator is someone who can make a living from their passion and work on their own account, working with a translation agency, a multinational corporation or some organisation at European level.
- Specialisation means that you can become a sought-after expert on a particular subject and a trusted translator at the same time.
- Consider foreign languages. You can become an English, Russian or other foreign language translator. Let’s assume that you love a language, are fluent in it, and can use it in your work. Contrary to what you might think, few people have a job that relates to their passion, interests or what they simply love. You can have one.
- The translation process covers a wide range of industries, fields and topics. You can work for public administration bodies, Polish companies, institutions and organisations, as well as operate on an international scale, employing, for example, a corporation from the USA.
- Working with amazing people. It is extremely rare that this topic is addressed, but knowing a foreign language, specialising in it and, of course, practising as a translator is the key to knowing many names in your field or industry. Imagine translating for a Nobel Prize winner in literature, working with an actress or actor from China, Japan or Korea, or having the opportunity to meet one of the most influential people on the planet. Exciting, isn’t it?
How do you become a translator and can you do the job without a degree?
Do you speak Polish and your level of English, French or Chinese is OK? Do you dream of having assignments for translations in medicine, engineering or those that deal with official matters? Dreams alone are not enough to become an interpreter. The desire should be followed by concrete steps. Go for philology, linguistics or a related field. Read a lot, learn languages and invest in yourself. Above all, practice, translate as much as you can. In addition to passion, a translator’s skills, knowledge and experience are needed to work in this profession. The latter takes years to acquire, but one day the hard work will pay off. Any route to becoming a translator is a good one, provided, of course, that you become a professional and are happy with your work.
As far as formalities are concerned, those thinking about ordinary translations do not have to worry about any certificates, tests or official acquisition. This is completely different for any candidate for a sworn translator. The law on the profession of sworn interpreter not only tells us very specifically who can become one, but also makes it clear that you have to become qualified. Jak? You have to take the so-called sworn translator exam. This test examines skills in translation from Polish into a foreign language and from a foreign language into Polish. It consists of two parts. The first is translation, from Polish into a foreign language and from a foreign language into Polish. The second is interpreting, from Polish into a foreign language and from a foreign language into Polish. It is only by passing the examination, taking an oath before the Minister of Justice, being entered on the list of sworn translators and being sealed that you can officially become a member of this profession of public trust.
How much does a translator earn in Poland?
And will it pay to become a translator financially? It depends on how much you want to earn and what a high salary means to you. A study from January 2021 shows that the median earnings in this profession in our country were PLN 5,740 gross. It should be noted right away that 24% of female translators and interpreters earn less than PLN 4,180 gross and the same proportion earns more than PLN 7,300 gross. Are these average earnings satisfactory to you? You already have to answer this question for yourself. What you should be interested in are the determinants of earnings, especially if you want to hope for higher wages. So what has the biggest impact on some people earning more and others less? Seniority, education, company size and even province play a role. Remember, this is the kind of profession where your competence, experience and what you can do count.
Can a translator earn better?
Is it possible to leapfrog the ceiling of the rates quoted above in the translation profession? In our view, it all depends on you, on your determination, diligence, talent, dedication and development. On top of that, if you are really fit for purpose and have talent you can get really far. Don’t count on it being easy, however. You have to earn your customers’ trust. The qualities of the ideal translator you may have are no substitute for a portfolio and experience. Passion and heart for translation is paramount, but working as a translator requires language skills, knowledge of skill development. Without competence, it is impossible to become a professional. Know, however, that you need a flair for winning good assignments: just being able to ‘spot’ the best clients, the most profitable projects and translations that will pay off in the future also plays a very important role. Learn from your older colleagues, nurture your passion and develop yourself, and things are bound to go your way!

Mam na imię Mieszko i pochodzę z małej miejscowości we wschodniej Polsce. Od czterech lat mieszkam i pracuję w Lublinie, który stał się moim drugim domem. Na co dzień pracuję jako tłumacz, a moją pasją jest pisanie. Lubię sporo czytać, dzięki czemu poznałem cienką, choć bardzo wyraźną linię pomiędzy teorią i praktyka. Z przyjemnością podzielę się z Państwem moim doświadczeniem i wiedzą. Poza pracą moją drugą pasją jest sport, który uprawiam od dziecka, co sprawia, że o kondycję nie muszę się martwić.